Looking for love in all the wrong places? Try a book! My Book Boyfriend is hosted by Missie at the Unread Reader :)
This weeks TopTenTuesday reminded me of all the love I had for Graffiti Moon a few weeks ago and how much I adored Ed.
- dropped out of year 11
- hair that grows without a plan
- artistic but trouble with words
- graffiti artist known as Shadow
How Lucy sees Ed:
“Every time he looked at me I felt like I'd touched my tongue to the tip of a battery. In art class I'd watch him lean back and listen and I was nothing but zing and tingle. After a while, the tingle turned to electricity, and when he asked me out my whole body amped to a level where technically I should have been dead. I had nothing in common with a sheddy like him, but a girl doesn't think straight when she's that close to electrocution.”
How Lucy sees Shadow:
“Let me meet Poet, too, but mainly Shadow. The guy who paints in the dark. Paints birds trapped on brick walls and people lost in ghost forests. Paints guys with grass growing from their hearts and girls with buzzing lawn mowers. A guy who paints things like that is a guy I could fall for. Really fall for”
How Ed sees Lucy:
“Kept dreaming of this spot she had on her neck, this tiny country. I wanted to visit, to paint a picture of what I found there, a wall with a road map of her skin.”
"Her words are paintings, and I'm painting them on the wall in my head as she talks"
How They Get Along:
“I can't believe you're still mad at me," Ed says.
"You grabbed my arse."
"You broke my nose."
"You broke his nose?" Jazz asks. "You grabbed her arse?"
"It was two years ago-"
"Two years, four months, and eight days," I tell him.
"-and I was fifteen, and I slipped and she broke my nose."
"Wait a minute. How do you slip onto someone's arse?"Jazz asks.
"I meant slipped up. I slipped up and she broke my nose."
"You're lucky that's all I broke," I say.
"You're lucky I didn't call the police."
"You grabbed my arse."
"You broke my nose."
"You broke his nose?" Jazz asks. "You grabbed her arse?"
"It was two years ago-"
"Two years, four months, and eight days," I tell him.
"-and I was fifteen, and I slipped and she broke my nose."
"Wait a minute. How do you slip onto someone's arse?"Jazz asks.
"I meant slipped up. I slipped up and she broke my nose."
"You're lucky that's all I broke," I say.
"You're lucky I didn't call the police."
(My Ed is pictured as the wonderfully quirky Joseph
Gordon-Levitt. If they make this movie, my vote is for him!)
I don't know what it is about snarky, sarcastic guys but they win my heart everytime. It helps that there is a lot more to Ed and the fun is finding it all out along with Lucy during their epic one night adventure to find Shadow. I highly recommend you go out and discover
Shadow for yourself!
How about you? Who's your book boyfriend this week?